Saturday, October 17, 2015

A ROAD........

How well I remember getting out of high school and realizing it was time to pick a new road to go down.   I feel I did pretty well for the first few years.......but a not so good marriage derailed me for a time.....then I found my way back to "MY ROAD" and I think I am doing pretty good today.......Saw a good movie with Tom Hanks about spies and enjoyed a fun lunch with Shirley.
I remember hearing this song about sleeping single in a double bed and always thought it was so sad.......but guess what?.....I just realized for the past 29 years I have been sleeping single in a double bed!!.......and it's great. After my husband walked out and one by one my girls got married and moved out it took a while to realize I could say good-by to porch lights that burned all night......empty milk cartons......and someone else's schedule.......on down the road you realize your too old and tired for your old profession-----mothering. You have to be in good condition to keep up with a busy family.......I finally face the fact my body is gone, my legs that were on call 24/7 can hardly get up out of a chair,  The ring around the collar, the toilet ,and the tub can always wait until more 3 meals a I pass through the kitchen to get a drink of water now and then.  And we do not have to listen to our children anymore......we dress to young.....think to too fast......we drive to slow.....our car is too big and our closets too small......can't win when you get enjoy just being you.  And now it is de ja vue..... they are checking on me as to where I am going, who I am with, when will I be home???  Where were you?   I have tried all day to get you.!......they always pick the one day I wasn't home and was probably safely at someone's house playing bridge!  But I am glad I am on the road I am on and hope it take me right on up to the Pearly Gates.

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