Friday, October 23, 2015


As I struggle with my knee problems.......I firmly believe the above little note is very important to remember.....Sure it would be easier to stay in bed most the your PJ'S and just take each day as it comes......but that is no life to live.   If you make the effort to get up and get showered and dressed and do are not giving up.   Had the Rooster Shot yesterday in my knee ( Dr. said it costs $800.00) so hoping Medicare takes care of it.......and it will be a week or two until we know if it works or not..... better than a knee replacement.....BUT after all your parts do not come with a warranty and my knees have been very good to me for 83 years.......I can't count the many miles they danced growing up, cheer leading and the miles around the globe they have walked......and chased three children....(twins no less)........and nine grand-babies..........they have earned the title of just wearing out!!!!
Was your house like mine growing up where Kitchens  were made for long talks and close friends?......loving families and lots of laughter.  Kitchens are made for daydreams and growing things and creative moments, for sharing and preparing the blessings of life......where you learned the older people were young once and had just as much fun or heart aches are you did.......where everyone came to your back door and stopped at the kitchen table to complain , share or hear the latest news of your family.......I hate to cook and always said I would not even have a kitchen.......... only it came with the house, but with memories like I have of my families  wonderful kitchen......I am glad mine came with the house!!!!  I don't have to cook in it.....only gather round the table and share love with one another.

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