Friday, December 31, 2021


As we count down the hours till a new year is upon us.....we are thankful for our blessings and do hope 2022.....see's a better year for most people.....
Many have found big changes in their life this past year.....deaths....bad babies .....job changes etc........and being alone as children grow up and establish their own lives and families and move away.....I like this...."Being with no better than being with the wrong one.....Sometimes, those who fly alone...are ones with the astrongest wings".....
Had a great Christmas Holiday.....Family parties....neighbors in and out....and feeling fair.  My grandkids are so fun...thanks girls for these 9 wonderful people you gave me......
Bree and I have just been hibernating all week....snow and cold is winter here. Have not seen Patty for weeks....just the neighbors mostly as the Cooks are in Hawaii...Panniers off to St. George and the the Rose Bowl game....and Sher in Vernal.
Last night Brayden took me to dinner and stayed all night....He was to  pickup Libby at the airport at 7...but her flight was cancelled and she was stuck in Denver..... Bray was Off this morning at 4 a m to get to work in the snow storm.....our skiers are happy.
Guess I will start taking Christmas down HAPPY NEW  YEAR TO ALL.......


Saturday, December 25, 2021


The doorbell just rang...and this was the kind of thing that really makes life worth it!  A card from two of the boys that hung out at my house with the twins.   Mike and Tom...always called me Mrs P ...AND were the boys I never had.  On the door step a card with a tree decoration Mike made and the following messsage...
"Dear Mrs P.
The longer we live the more we realize the importance of positive adult influence on young people....and it makes us even more grateful for your influence on us! Merry Christmas .
Love Mike and Tom
Can't even put into words the gratitude of these cute boys for telling me feel maybe you have made some differences in the world...Thanks guys for reaching out to me at this time......I LOVE YOU BOTH.



Well, it has been a busy week before Christmas....I am so greatful for my wonderful family....neighbors.....and friends.  Every year of your life is two Christmases are the change, the kids change and the world changes.....
Last Monday my cute and youngest grandchild....Scotty and I went to lunch and then to see a movie...SPIDERMAN.....what a special day with him.....not many 20 year olds are willing to take their almost 90 year old grandmother.....anywhere! I am so lucky.....
All week the neighbors were in and out.....with Chrisstmas gifts and Holiday wishes. Then Thursday  had a family party at the COOKS....All my grand kids were there but Nicci and Richie and four of my great-grandkids were there.....lucky gram. Karrie had the Olive Gardens cater and we all pitched in with drinks, desert and snacks.  It is so fun now days with the cute little ones.  Sherrie, Ken, Alex and Ashlyn stayed all night with me....Then off to Denny's for breakfast next morning....Christmas Eve I went to the Pannier's for dinner and happy Robbie could be home with us and Aaron kept us all entertained.  Today...Christmas..all three girls called and my sister and I am going to the neighbors for for dinner.....MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU ALL...


Thursday, December 16, 2021


This is our prankster in the family.....Alex my cute number two grandson.......He and Ashlyn are expecting their first baby.....So glad when last month they called and let me know....they were having a boy!.....every one was happy about the baby.didn't care boy or girl...Well I zip out and buy three blue presents for excited!  Well one month later....after the checkup yesterday....Ashlyn called laughing....grandma .....they made a mistake.....we are having a GIRL!
Well, I hope she has blue eyes to match my clothes.....BUT I now can shop some more for a little girl! Sherrie is now adding girls to her family .....which she loves.
Jim called me awhile nice when your little brother cares and keeps in talk to my sister about every other day or great-grand kids...Leslie has 15 great-grandkids and I will have six!


Hope I am still alive when Darren's and Don's KARMA sets in!
For some reason this month is half over and I have negleted my blog terribly.....The days all seem the same ......however..... yesterday we got a snow storm of snow storms...18 inches at my house....thank goodness for wonderful neighbors.....they dug me out.....where were my kids?  I am finally realizing that grandparents are only for Birthday and Christmas presents.....or baby sitting when they are thankful for neighbors!
Pam is in Seattle with her cute Tucker for a few days before I have Bree. Tucker can really sing jingle bells. Leslie said her granddaughter's Tesa's third little boy who is three has been watching the GRINCHS...who stole Christmas...And decided he would be the Grinch,,,,he undrecorated the tree and hid all the stuff in the closet???? He is also one of those who gets kicked out of day care regularly...don't you love kids at Christmas????
Been five days since I left my nice warm afraid I will fall.......


Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Any more.....I just live on a day by day schedule....if you are not are in trouble!....I have a calendar and I make sure I write my day by day things to do......since 2020 and the panderic I have to admit I have gone down hill "a bit"..... when you stay home and no one but neighbors knock at your door...many days at noon I am not showerd and dressed and they are understanding.....WHY?.....I have become a walking meme about daytime and nightime PJ'S and elastic waistbands....You have a doctor aappointment....wash and dry your put on real clothes and make suddenly feel more motivated than you have in a while....What we wear really can influence how we feel and is called....."enclothed cognition"..... and studies show  that wear certain outfits may help us focus  and feel more confidence.....I know that feeling.....when I was young I remember the fun times my mother sewed me a new dress for the first day of school.....Easter dress.....or Christmas dress.....It always made me feel I was the best of the best.....and through the years,,,,,I still feel good when I have put the effort into dressing the best I can......My Grandma always said....."You never get a second chance to make a first impression"....



You never really know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.......Every day you are faced with lots of choices......Should I or shouldn't I?....Can I or can't I?.....Will I or won't I?.....and on and on.....As I add years.....I think more about .....being not afraid of going slowly...but being afraid of standing still!..,,Every day I want to learn something something new.....see or hear something new....The kids wonder why I watch the news each day?....Well, when you come from years of no TV .... facebook....etc. you see how fortunate you are to live in the can see so much without being there.....I am so thankful that with my 90th birthday just around the corner....I still have all my marbles....well, most of them....I do have a senior moment now and then!  One thing you learn at my age goes on....with or without you!



Sunday, December 5, 2021


You have  to
believe go on sometimes.......
Neighbor in hospital with stomach cancer operation...her daughter Cindy just drove in from LA to spend the month with her as she is still facing a breast operation soon....Cindy brought her
 dog.....which Suzanne hates and drinks coffee which Suzanne...does not!...but hope they work it
Had the usual quiet weekend.....talked to Leslie and Jim...thankgoodness for siblings.....Can't believe it is the 7th of December already.....seems I only get to the blog any more once a week.....but I will keep life is very dull .......and quiet,



Sunday is just another day in the week!.....But to many it is when you sit in church for an hour and try to be holy.....I grew up being should live every day as if it were Sunday..... Be kind, good, honest, helpful, patient, trustworthy, etc....I have found it so hurtful and hard to bath and get dressed for church.....I just can't do it.  No one believes in pain pills any more and tylanol doesn't do it for my arthrits any I am not trying to please my family or neighbors any more.....I know what I can is between God and me now.
It was a long week but a bright spot was Wednesday....Scottie and Holly came and put up my Christmas tree and decorated my front porch.....first present under the new cell phone from the Cooks!......Sherrie came by Friday for a few minutes with my neighbors sweet.....and looking forward to Pam coming home tonight.....My heart is full of gratitude for all these blessings. Still nice snow!  Secretly.....I love it.....I pretend I live in Arizona!