Saturday, January 30, 2021


JANUARY.....has been a long hard month for me!!!  My arthritis has really kicked in......I have taken bottles of tylanol and spent hours on the heating pad as it has been a very cold month....with no snow!  Seems more like March than JANUARY.......I have a morning nap and then after lunch an after noon nap till Dr Phil time and get to bed by eight or eight-thirty....and I am still tired......or depressed or bored staying home doing nothing......thank goodness an hour or two with Libby and Brayden at dinner time...oh yes....and Khloe....the puppy.
Yestersday Pam and her neighbor Lesia wanted to bring lunch over and play cards...what a fun diversion.....and Sher dropped by on her way to their  I have just got to realize it is not up to my kids to keep me entertained in my old age.....they have lives too! Can hardly wait till spring!!!!!

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