Sunday, January 10, 2021


Love this picture of the Christensons Chrstmas Eve.......Notice almost as many dogs as people....and guess what?  They are all coming in tonight to spend a few days wtith grandma Betty.....all but big RED in front....he and Lola got left home in the barn.....but Bray is bringing the other three in tonight.....our Khloe makes four......Libby offered to tend while the family vacationed.....but I am sure I will have my share of...."let the dogs out....let the dogs in"....routine......why can't I say NO.  My family are certainly dog people.....Pam has 2...Tiff 1....Nicci 1.....William 2.  Sherrie 2...Alex 3....Bray 1....Karrie 2....Richie 2.....Andrea 1! (17) in all.  Having clear cold and sunny winter snow for weeks.....not so good for my arthritis....hurt all the time....Had a very quiet weekend.


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