Wednesday, January 6, 2021


As I have been sitting here this after noon  watching the Republicans ralley round....storm.....and shoot one lady.ppo.... as they storm the Capital Building......I feel" the Constitution hanging by a thread" as forcast in the book of Mormon....but I am proud of the Republicans for finally trying to be the nice guys and let the Democrates get run out of office......It is to bad those of you hate ONE person so much    you sacrifice your country to get even......with him...  I am mad....I am Scared for my grandkids...I am disappointed....I hate Biden as much as many hate Trumph....and the black no good vice appointed president will some day be your President folks....good luck to open boarders.....defunded police....abortion the new birth control....guns control and goverment medical control etc.....SOCIALISM at its greatest.......this is indeed a dark day for many of us....Dear GOD....I will keep trying to believe you know what you are doing with this horrible thing and the viris....I know our country deserves a wake up....but we need help my almost 89 years ....this is the worsT!


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