Saturday, January 2, 2021


Made it through 2020!
One ruff year....the viris year....home bound and has me mentally going crazy.  Also had breast many lows.  But one good high Karrie back in the family..HUGH. I miss seeing the kids and bridge group and old friends.  I did enjoy a 3 day road trip to Colorado to see little brother with Leslie and I did spend Halloween weekend in Vernal and went through the temple and was sealed to my there was some good stuff too. I am trying to start this new year off...positive.  I go to church on the TV ZOOM....and the viris is still very bad in Utah.....Also Biden beat Trumph.....and this crushed me....but I have to trrust God knows what he is doing.......and we will not end up a communest country with the government running everything in our lives.  I am suffering from torn rotary cuffs and in pain constantly.....seems no cure with arthritis mixed in.....but happy for every day God gives me.
Happy New Year a day late.


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