Wednesday, January 6, 2021


O.K. Maybe I can stop and take another look at ME......I have come a long ways in this beautful country....I said The Pledge to the Flag.....the songs we learned about America the Beautiful ETC,  we knew the importance of the flag and had relatives that fought in the wars to keep America free....I bought stamps to put in a book for freedom each week in grade school and we got stamps in a book for one pair of shoes every six months per member...per family and gas, sugar, soap etc was rationed per family during the war....but we did it...and was glad to help out....BUT this.....the lying, sneaking, cheating,,,,has certainly got out of hand.....This President election has turned into a joke.....starting with the roten Clintons.......and the election of TRUMP.......think about the past four years.....The Democrates have been laying plans to turn our country into a lower country with Socialism!


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