Saturday, January 16, 2021


This is what is left of me after 2020......physically and mentally I am a hair has gone grey......arthritis is taking over my body.....I don't want to eat or go anywhere.....BUT hopefully this too will pass when summer arrives......the viris is gone .......and BIDEN lives out his four year term so that black bitch and Polosie don't get into the presidency....My heart goes out to my grandchildren in raising a family and having a good life.......
We survived the house full of dogs last week.....and kinda miss them.....MIKE brought Ken to us this morning for three days....then the Christensons will pick him up in three days when they get home from St Thomas.....they have been looking for B and B property on that island.....
I say...Darren at 53 all your ducks should be in a row.....I bet you don't even know where your ducks are?"
Still clear and cold and no snow......weird winter.

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