Wednesday, July 4, 2018


"Tears are a signal that we need care from ourselves or others"........SO TRUE!
I don't know why the tears come so easily now as I grow older and look back on raising three girls.....I know I only love them more and I think they love me in their way;......As they become mothers.....and grandmother's and every one gets very busy with their lives you seem to be at the bottom of "THE CARE" list.....but am I not guilty of that also???  Did my folks sometimes feel the same way?  It seems to be worse on weekends and holidays.....Patty called and wanted to come over but never made it as I guess Lisa took the car and didn't get home before we were suppose to go to CHUCK-A-RAMA......for dinner.....which didn't happen!  Thank goodness for friends and my sister!
Suck it up  goes on......

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