Saturday, July 14, 2018


My family keeps at me to do more and trace where I came from.....I do appreciate all the time and effort they have put into finding I am.....the 8th cousin once removed from OBAMA!!!!! I say we have gone far enough!  I know those who came before me....and have made me ...ME..... was not an easy life for them either....compared to mine today and I say thank you....thank you!...I love my great grand parents on my father's side were both born in England.....THE YEOMANS.......which has helped my DNA show I am 99.9 percent British.....Maybe some of us are meant to be concerned about our herritage and others ....not so much?  Yes, I am also related to a few famous people like Amelia Earhart and Humphrey Bogart......etc.....but they are also related to ME!
I am afraid if I start to trace our tree.....I will only find my Family tree  grew some nut and was pretty shady!!!!  I will pray about this.......

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