Friday, July 13, 2018

FRIDAY THE 13th......

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR......YOU MIGHT GET IT?  LIKE SUMMER.....We hit the 101 degree so convinced summer is here.  Stayed home two days last week as I didn't want to face the sun......Oh for the days I laid out in the sun and cooked with baby oil and iodine to get a neat tan....AND I am paying for it now with all these strange things growing on me?
Friday the 13th started off very nice.....Pam came by with her dog for me to tend tonight and we had a nice visit and Patty came by for coffee.....then a little nap.  Looking forward to a quiet weekend...Ken going to Vernal.....three weeks to go on his....our....mission.   Sunday have a wedding shower for Liz to go to with Pam and Tiff.
Watched Trump meet the Queen of England awhile ago....history being made.  Queen Elizabeth has met 11 of the last 12 Presidents in her 62 years as Queen.  Lyndon Johnson did not go to England.

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