Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Well last week it was a wedding shower for my oldest grandson and finance...... getting married the 12 of September.......This week it was a wedding shower for the next grandson and his finance......I was not able to attend Ashlyn's in Vernal last Saturday.....because they are getting married the 28th  or next Saturday....... This Saturday I went down to the Convention Center with Mike, Kirk and Nannie.....So nice to see them celebrate our pioneers every year......Music from Rogers and Hammerstein's.....and his grandson was the MC......the place was packed......Our 24th of July celebration is much bigger than the 4th of July.....Anyway......Kay took Ken back to Vernal this weekend and ended up being a circus!!!!  She went to the shower and brought Ken home.....Ken has tomorrow and all of next week......and then our 2 yr mission is over.....He is released the 3rd of August......I will be going to Vernal Friday afternoon with TIFF and Aaron and we will stay till Sunday.....And help Sher get things ready for the wedding in her back yard........That is what families are for!!!!!

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