Friday, July 6, 2018


As I look back......I spent too many days trying to be the best of the best!
Sometimes I feel guilty not going out and volunteering for all the lists they pass at church....I TRY to think back......have you done some good today?????  Take Wednesday.....I picked up Shirley for Mexican Train.....her car was in the shop......she needed some dog food so off to Walmart and  then to stop and feed Pams gold fish and water her plants on the way home.....when I got home the yard people were trimming my bushes so I took them out some cold water.......Do these good deeds count on being kind and helpful ?
Ken gone for the weekend...101 too hot to go shop.....slept most the day....Yes, I love peace and quiet and potato chips and dip for dinner.......Talked to Sher.....Ken and Darren flew home safely.....too many fires around Duschene to drive.  Bray and Libby will be home from Texas the 21st.......YES!  enjoying the weekend!!!

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