Friday, July 6, 2018


This Grandmother is coming to the end of another chapter in her life.....One I never dreamed I would be involved in!
I have been my grandson's Mission Companion for almost two years as Ken served a service mission on Temple Square and lived with me.....Up at six.....he fixed his own breakfast....then we had the in the morning....Ken at night.  Turned on Scriptures...we read the book of Mormon and are now on the New scripture  at a time......YES, at first there were some unsure moments......I live a few blocks from the tracks stop...he would drive his pickup down there ,show his ticket and get off down town and walk over to Temple Square where he worked in the postal area.
Lunch at the cafeteria.......or walk over to the City Mall and eat ...but one of his favorites was the Nauvoo Cafe......he liked their chicken pot pies!  Then a half hour ride back to our stop....hop in his truck and drive home......Change his clothes and shower and dinner at 6:30.....I always let him choose the time and what we would eat.....once the meat pies got done a little early and I called him up for dinner......where I was informed......'ACTUALLY I SAID 6:30" being......a good missionary companion I told him I would leave the pie in the oven to keep it warm for him.....NOW......we "actually'..... eat at 6:30!  Getting along with your Missionary Companion is really important!
Everyone is different....but the same.....You...ME.....Your neighbor.....God made us that way to fill all the jobs he has for us on earth.  I will always remember the kindness Ken has shown me,,,,,More than once as I have fallen asleep laying in bed watching TV....He has carefully removed my glasses and turned off the TV and tucked me in......and he has taught me "PATIENCE"......we all move at our own pace!!!!!  Some of my favorite memories are when we called Vernal and ask......"is this dial a prayer?"......And at the other end is Darren or Sherrie and on speaker phone they say our nightly prayers with special......Sherrie told me Ken's last day of mission is August 3rd......his home coming Aug 19th.......Thanks Ken and I can hardly wait to see what is next in your life!  And I hope your GRAM is around to share it with you.....LOVE YOY

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