Thursday, April 22, 2021


                                            THANK YOU GOD FOR FRIENDS......

And at the Rainbows end......I won't find a pot of gold.....but you my friends!

These ladies SUZANNE////GAY......HILDA.....Are my neighbors and friends....we take care of each other///share food and ideas and any help when ever we can....Hilda, Suzanne and I are single and we all love Gay's husband Ivan who is not in very good health.....we have one other neighbor who was out of town this weekend Hoahn...VIETAMESE....who keeps us well feed.  I was not happy about leaving my last condo with all it's stairs....but it seems.....'God puts you where you need to be....not where you want to be." They know Libby and enjoyed the baby shower...and Patty has been my friend since 50 years ago and when I was married.....we see each about once a week.


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