Monday, April 5, 2021

Lunch with Scotty.....

Fun day with family and neighbors...Awww Spring!
I took lunch over to Kar's and dropped off her birthday present.....My Scotty has lost his hair and looks tired,,,,but so full of love.  Karrie had Lilly and Isla so got to have lunch with 2 more great-grandchildren today. Lilly didn't want her picture taken obviously!!!  Scott is being so brave and positive through all his chemo...what a rock.
When I got home the neighbors were having a picnic in the front yard and I joined them for an hour.....then just about nap time and Hilda...another neighbor......rang the door bell and we spent a half hour on the porch visiting...Such great neighbors,....Yes I did get a little nap in before DR PHIL. Our good weather is suppose to end tonight...some rain I hope.


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