Sunday, April 11, 2021


If we only knew what growing up would be like....would we count the days till we were we could drive.....and many miles we have, if you have get to drive! Would we count the days until we were 18......and "be of age" do what? your way and leave home ...or until you were the great age of 21 .....and legal for most anything?
Would I WANT TO GO BACK AND DO A "DO OVER"?   I think not......    I turn 89 next week and I am happy with my quiet...boring.....peaceful life in old age....if I just didn't hurt all the time with arthritis.....but I have a wonderful  family and friends that keep me going.
This week I had Ken and his two dogs while Sherrie went to Puerto Viarta with Karrie for 5 days...Ken has helped me get the patio ready for summer......moving furniture....emptying pots ....rearanging stuff....and Brayden painted the rocking chair....glued the fountain and wired everything......Libby has been busy all weekend with her mission companion who is staying here.....she is from WA and her father is something in the government...... and attending  wedding stuff in Orem ....Bray is great with Ken......helps me so much as KEN is crazy about him......We have church at eleven thirty...then a couple of hours later home to fix dinner for bed....for me......Sherrie and Karrie will be home tomorrow on their 54th birthday......NEXT weekend a baby shower at Pam's for Libby....and maybe a birthday party for Ken who turns 23 on the 29th....


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