Thursday, April 22, 2021

MY GREAT BIRTHDAY....89 on 19th

My first great-grandchild Aaron with a birthday card he made me.....who would have thought I'd be enjoying great-grand kids....number 5 in a few weeks on its way...a little girl named....Olivia......finally making Sherrie a grandma.  It was a great birthday.  Early on the wonderful neighbors up the street brought 3 bags of dirt and multch and cleaned up my front flower beds......they are 80 and 83!  Darren brought me a plant when he picked up Libbby to go shopping......the Cooks brought.....wait for it.....89 BALLONS which are all over my ceiling.....what a fun surprise......some cute pants and shoes....The Panniers gave me a subscription to PEOPLE magazine and birthday cake and Sher gave me a book an a cute shirt...Bray and Lib gave me a plant an Bray built me a fire pit.  It was a fun and busy day.  I hope I can be worthy of all thier love and kindness.....

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