Thursday, April 22, 2021


Pam, Sher, Heidi, Me, Kar
A baby shower for Libby and a birthday celebration for the girls.  This is  me and my four girls....The fourth one is Heidi who practically lived at my house through her jr and senior years at Olympus......they wore each others clothes and had the same friends....Heidi and Sher were cheer leaders their senior year....Kar involved in Seminary.....and you can see why I always had a house full of cute boys hanging around.  The twins went to PUERTO VIARTA for their birthdays and had a good time....hard to believe we are all getting so old.,,,,Karrie put the shower together....a Luaha and had it catered and Pam kindly offered her house bcause of Scotty's cancer and chemo and low amuitiy not wanted at Karrie's.  So fun having the girls work together like that....and it was so fun.  HAPPY BIRTHAY SHERRIE AND KARRIE!


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