Monday, April 5, 2021

DANCE....DANCE....DANCE a good month to dance.....many birthdays......Libby on the 11th ....the day before the twins on the 12th....mine on the 19th and Kennedy the 21st......Jim on the 29th.....trouble is my arthritis is so bad I don't feel like dancing....Then we throw in a baby shower for Libby the 17th...... a couple of doctor appointments and so the month big 89th....can you believe that???

I am getting excited to buy flowers for the patio and get out the furniture.....and lite up the fire pit....and make some ....".sommores"......So worried about little sister.....seems she has been down for weeks and her hip is healing slowly....and my sweet Sher dealing with  her problems.  I keep telling myself to have FAITH....that it is all in GOD'S hands.


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