Friday, February 12, 2021


I feel I have lost a complete year of my life...holed up in my house afraid to go or do any thing to not get the Covid in fear gets to you  eventually......
As I look back to all the people who ask me directions I can't help but wonder what happened to them.....???  I am sorry for where they ended up and if there were problems....I just didn't want  them to know how dumb I was......any more I can't remember how to get to the nearest Walmart..... no just kidking.....I can always find a walmart!  So I am going to start all over this year and be 88 again instead of 89 in a couple of months......Yes,....some good things happened this year....but a lot more not so good things didn't too!....I feel I have aged 5 years the last year.....mentally and physically.  I know it's up to me to fix me....and I will.


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