Tuesday, February 16, 2021


SO TRUE......
Why is it so easy to sleep my days away.....I HURT.....is one reason another I am bored being cooped up......to stay healthy.   I tried to have the attitude my sister has....if I get it...I get it and I think she has it.....she hates masks.....she goes to movies.....off to vegas to play pan....st george for many reasons...me...chicken ......the grocery store once a week....BUT I am going to be 89 in a few weeks and that does make a difference...after I see how sick Pam and Rob have been and Leslie in the same boat  now...Covd is no joke!
Now if I WERE A GROUND HOG.....I could just hibernate all winter and whwooo wake up in the spring....and all is well?
We are having  six more weeks of winter.....snowed four or five inches here and snowed off and on all day,. And I love it as it is winter and now is when we should be getting our big snow storms and we need the moisture. I don't drive when the roads are bad any more .....old age...but I do have four new tires this winter....thanks to Brayden.....Life changes as the years sneak up on up....and you have to find things that make you happy to keep going ....like a daily call from my sweet SHERRIE ....That I really look forward to.!....My sweet Karrie brought dinner to Brayden and I last night.....Libby was working.


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