Monday, February 22, 2021


Wonder what I look like in my pj's first thing in the morning?  Getting so old and hurt all the time with arthritis; Sweet Kar and Anna brought over dinner for Brayden and me......and as many a day lately it is noon before I shower and get dressed....bed and the heating pad are my comfort place.....I hope with a time change.....and  spring around the corner I come alive again....and another viris shot the 13th of March I will feel safer to go out week busy with Ken and the dogs.....and Pam's dog two weeks while she goes to visit Nicci and help with the grandchild while they move into a new house.....The Christensons are buying a Bed and Breakfast in St Thomas and are going down to inspect it.....nice having a millionair in the family.... Ican't keep up with my busy kids and grandkids any more! 

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