Saturday, February 27, 2021


I would like to convince my body to stay 88 another year and get a do-over for last year!  Masks....holed  up.....never see friends or bridge group.....or family....all afraid we will either catch or give the viris to someone......Pam, Rob, Bill and Les all got it.  I have had one shot and the other  in a couple of weeks.....Libby went to Hawaii with Sherrie and Karrie...The Christenon's are buying a B AND B in ST Thomas and made a couple of trips down there...this week I have Ken and the two dogs while they go check things out.....Pam left yesterday for two weeks in Seattle with Nicci to tend the baby......while they move into a new house.....I have her little dog for two weeks.....Bray went to ST. Thomas....Libby to Vernal....Ken and I alone. THEN...Leslie fell and broke her hip in Costa Rico  with her family vacationing and my darling Missionary Scotty came home with what turned out to be testicular cancer and in for 4 months chemotherapy...  Is my life dull?  Not lately......One bright star last year....I went through the Vernal Temple!  Been snowing off and on all day here....


This grizzly looking guy is my nephew....he is 6feet 6 inches with a heart of gold....his wife is Chris and the kids BEAU and BOBBY JO.....He has been in construction but is switching to taxidermy.....that was his grandpa Yeomns he would be thrilled....Jim Bob lovs to fish and did my dad.....this might help with geneology someday......


This is my poor little sister.....two days into her vacation with son Kevin's family in Costa Rico.....ends up with a broken hip......I didn't feel good about her going....but you know grandmas and their grand and great grandma kids.....when we get a chance to enjoy them.....She will be flying home with them tomorrow and head for a re-hab place for a few  weeks.....wish I could go take care of her....but I have arthritis in my arms and shoulders  and I can hardly take care of myself......My prayers are with you Leslie.....



HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX.....28.  You have made me happy so many times through the that sweet smile and good hugs....Always there when I need you....Enjoy your life every minute you can deserve it.


Monday, February 22, 2021


Wonder what I look like in my pj's first thing in the morning?  Getting so old and hurt all the time with arthritis; Sweet Kar and Anna brought over dinner for Brayden and me......and as many a day lately it is noon before I shower and get dressed....bed and the heating pad are my comfort place.....I hope with a time change.....and  spring around the corner I come alive again....and another viris shot the 13th of March I will feel safer to go out week busy with Ken and the dogs.....and Pam's dog two weeks while she goes to visit Nicci and help with the grandchild while they move into a new house.....The Christensons are buying a Bed and Breakfast in St Thomas and are going down to inspect it.....nice having a millionair in the family.... Ican't keep up with my busy kids and grandkids any more! 




Finally enough snow for a snowman......Karrie, Lilly, Isla and Anna....Riches wife in Kar's back yard......It has been fun getting to know Andrea's two little girls....Isla just started walking,



This is my youngest......and last missionary.....two days into being made a zone leader and six months into his mission in wyoming.....Kar got a call Friday that he was in the ER in Riverton WY and needed to be sent to Denver or SLC for a mass in his stomach to be checkd! TheCooks were in Las Vegas with friends for the weekend.....but they got into their car and drove all night to meet Scott in Rock Springs and bring him to the doctors here.....Today he is being checked .....hopeing no cancer.....and then having it removed next Tuesday.....keep your fingers crossed.
The black hat is to fit in with the culture in Wy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

I am so proud of my Pannier's who both ended up with Covd and had to be shut up together for a few days......-Pam is out of quarantine today but still no energy to celebrate it and Rob out Friday......a horrible....miserable experience that many are going through......Their son-in-law Bill had it and my sister Leslie is struggling with it now....I have had my first shot and the next one in a month!!!  I will continue to wear my mask and stay at home...I am too old to get it!  In my almost 89 years of life I have never dreamed I would be going through a pandemic that affected so many people and their lives like this.....I know our church predicted the last days were full of this and I guess we are in the last days....Get better Pam and Rob and Les......






Just another day....Darren brought me roses as he does every year....Sherrie be home from Hawaii in the morning...nice card from Lib and Bray.....we went to church.....had dinner and a nap....what we do every SUNDAY...Hope every one had a great day and remeber how much I love you all......



SO TRUE......
Why is it so easy to sleep my days away.....I one reason another I am bored being cooped stay healthy.   I tried to have the attitude my sister has....if I get it...I get it and I think she has it.....she hates masks.....she goes to to vegas to play george for many ......the grocery store once a week....BUT I am going to be 89 in a few weeks and that does make a difference...after I see how sick Pam and Rob have been and Leslie in the same boat  now...Covd is no joke!
Now if I WERE A GROUND HOG.....I could just hibernate all winter and whwooo wake up in the spring....and all is well?
We are having  six more weeks of winter.....snowed four or five inches here and snowed off and on all day,. And I love it as it is winter and now is when we should be getting our big snow storms and we need the moisture. I don't drive when the roads are bad any more .....old age...but I do have four new tires this winter....thanks to Brayden.....Life changes as the years sneak up on up....and you have to find things that make you happy to keep going a daily call from my sweet SHERRIE ....That I really look forward to.!....My sweet Karrie brought dinner to Brayden and I last night.....Libby was working.


Friday, February 12, 2021


I feel I have lost a complete year of my life...holed up in my house afraid to go or do any thing to not get the Covid in fear gets to you  eventually......
As I look back to all the people who ask me directions I can't help but wonder what happened to them.....???  I am sorry for where they ended up and if there were problems....I just didn't want  them to know how dumb I was......any more I can't remember how to get to the nearest Walmart..... no just kidking.....I can always find a walmart!  So I am going to start all over this year and be 88 again instead of 89 in a couple of months......Yes,....some good things happened this year....but a lot more not so good things didn't too!....I feel I have aged 5 years the last year.....mentally and physically.  I know it's up to me to fix me....and I will.



Tomorrow I have my first Covid shoot...what a mess to try and get on a list....wait....then comes the email and try and get in and on and on and on with the cell phone and the computer.....I ended up having to go across town to the Maverick Center to get a shot and a sweet neighbor is taking all busy.....Les has to drive 200 miles to Kingman, Az to get her's and back 200 doesn't feel sorry for my 30 min drive  acorss town to get mine......This is  Les and I and I hope we have each other around a long time...she is off to Costa Rico or some where next week end with her kids and grandkids....with their masks and shots and two days before tests.....I Guess I am just not up for all this as each day just living gets harder and harder.....I can't even open my pill bottles any more!



With another birthday breathing down my neck.....the above gets to be a habit more every day......I have been neglecting my blog lately...too tired!  My retreat is the bedroom on the heating shoulders are killing me!  now using a little gadget that shoots electric impulses out and it feels good....HELP......
BUT life seems to go on....Libby got home yesterday am after a few days in Hawaii with SHERRIE AND KARRIE.....they will be home in the morning....sounds like they had a great girls vacation....Brayden and I had a nice weekend tending the dog.....
Pam came down with Covid last Friday and Rob the first of the week so they are in quaranteen till the end of next week.....I hope there is no blood shed  till then....they have had about enough of home sick with each other.....Rob seems to forget....Pam is sick to!!!!!  This is one time you are glad your kids  don't come see you often....I wasn't exposed.
We are supposed to get some snow in one of the three storms heading our way this week end.....we really need it.
Had my two naps today and on to Dr. PHIL........

Friday, February 5, 2021

When I got the mail yesterday there was a big brown envelope from A Horton.....What a surprise....and in it was this great picture.....a 6 year old artist!  This is from my first great-grandchild Aaron. Great grandmothers love to be remembered....I think it might be a picture of him all dressed up to play in the snow.....and speaking of snow we have been getting snow all afternoon here....we really need it......into February and only two or three snow storms since Christmas...weird winter.