Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Just when you need a nice quiet lunch in Murray Park with a good friend.....it turns into an adventure!
Shirley and I stopped a Chick Fil-A and got lunch to enjoy in the park....set up our chairs and pulled out lunch.  we chatted a bit and watched a police car pull up and park across the street.  Soon an other police car pulls up and this little chick hops out with lunch and they disappear to some shade across from us....We thought ah ha.....one of them already married and they are sneaking around...WHEN another police  car with a single blond lady in it drives by????? Plot thickens..... she circled a couple of times and and parked behind us some where.....in a  while the couple emerge ...hugged and drove off with the third police car following them....Shirley and I tried to each tried to create a story from what we had witnessed .....while we ate lunch....guess we will never really know the whole story!
Two hours latter we loaded up...... got a block.....and she is out of gas!!!! This is where you realize there still are some good people in the world.....a nice man offered to go get some gas for us.....and before he could get back a lawn mowing guy stopped to help and had enough gas in a can to get us off the main road.....he would not take any money.....soon the other man came back with a gallon of gas and he would not take any money......by then we are melting in the 102 degrees ....but we made it to a filling station and home.....so much for a nice quiet lunch in the park!
I needed to tell you all about my exciting day.....and not keep it "bottled up"....

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