Thursday, August 6, 2020


A note for my girls.....
After all the hateful words and hurt that Toni has caused between Don and his girls.....where she told Sherrie they were fine and to leave them alone they did not need anything from them...she took Don's phone away and told her if she wanted anything call her.....sherrie only wanted to wish him Happy Father's DAY  and Happy BIRTHDAY.....The girls blocked their phones and gave up on trying to communicate with their father...THEN out of the blue they all get a note from him....SURPRISE.....we have survived and are doing fine.....What is that???? A gloat to say haha we don't need you?  I am sure Toni is behind it all......They decided to ignor it......I am so sorry I have put the girls through all this when all they tried to do was be good daughters and respect their father which is more than he did for them.......He choose his path and dumped all of us for THE KMART he deserves all he gets I guess.....WHAT GOES ROUND.....COMES ROUND.  I am still so sorry I choose  a father like this for these wonderful children. 

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