Saturday, August 8, 2020


My sister calls and asks ...."what are you doing?".....usual answer is ...."Nothing"....she says...." you were doing nothing yesterday"....I know I didn't finish working on it today....You know how the more you do something ....the more it becomes a habit....well, I am afraid doing nothing is becoming a habit....a bad habit.....for me.  This week I don't have to talk to the toaster or dish washer....I have Pam's two dogs......Rob brought Henry Ford over today for a week while he goes to Phoenix for Amazon.....I have had Bree for a week while Pam is in I at least have company.....the kids are in Lake Powell this weekend.   yes, I am becoming more happy at home more and more.....I watch the world crumble before my eyes on TV.
Rob set up Zoom today and we watched Tucker eat his one year old birthday cake.....I dreaded the day you could see who you were talking to becoming a I have to worry how I look on the phone or computer....make up....ear do etc.  Bra....forget it!!!!
Patty came by.....shared a coke and tried to settle the problems of the world...but don't think anyone was listening to all our brilliant ideas......Still not doing church...or much of anything on Sunday so again's let the dogs in .....let the dogs out....etc.

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