Thursday, August 6, 2020


Can't say we have not been warned......Every word has come true some where around the world.......If only you would realize who is really in charge of our world.....This pandemic is only one of many we have lived our life times....It was infantile paralazes when I was growing up....and many kinds of flue have hit us through the past 88 years of my life.......we have survived and eventually a vacination has helped us through.
My roommates are gone for the weekend to Lake Powell till Monday.....11 people from NYC....Libby's mission companion's family who are Malaysia are anxious to get on the Christenson's boat for a week.....Libby went yesterday with Sherrie and Brayden drove down today after work.....This morning I found a sweet note from my Bray.....thanking me for all I do for them and to have a good weekend...... mean the world to me...... I cried when I read it.....when was the last time someone told you meant the world to them!  So lucky to have people in my life like Brayden......
One of my farorite neighbors had a shoulder operation Monday.....took a little gift down to her and she seemed doing good.....will take dinner in tomorrow.....I have the best of the best of neighbors. I have so many blessings in my what....... another long and quiet weekend......I have Pam's dog for two it's me and Bree this weekend.

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