Saturday, August 15, 2020


Kids gone for the weekend....Libby deer hunting in Vernal and Bray down the river in Idaho with family.....I still have Pannier's two dogs....and we all sleep a lot.......Boredom....I guess,  Cleaned up the doggie doo.....and got them packed.....the Pannier's will be home tomorrow to pick them up....two weeks is quite a long time for least I had the dogs to talk to.....instead of the toaster and microwave......
Called Bev Crockston and Bev Taft.....old bridge players.....Bev T is really losing her memory and Bev C.....who is over 100 fell and broke her neck.....keep my fingers crossed I don't fall.  Said Tobby Taft has Leukemia.....I am thankful the only thing bad in my life the last 6 months is I am grey headed and five months older......
I see an "Open House' sign on the house across the street...Didn't even know they planned to move???
Guess two houses in the unit went for over....$400.000.00......Makes my house in a good area.
I say..."No mail in voting!!!!!"

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