Thursday, August 13, 2020


Kinda interesting.....Finally someone to make Pam all her growing up years.....pam hated to have her picture taken.....and when it happened it was always a sullen look.....BUT....this little guy has her all smiles.  This is TUCKER. one year old and Pam's second grandchild....and his great-gram thinks he is pretty cute also.
Another weekend closing in....Sherrie came by and brought lunch and flowers.....had to sign some papers or something and then another 3 hours back to Vernal.  Libby rode back with her to go bow hunting with her dad this weekend....for deer.  Not wishing anyone any bad luck....but if they get one hope her family keeps it.....I was raised on deer and elk don't care much for it. The Christensons and all the uncles and cousins are leaving in the morning for a river trip in Idaho for a Sherrie is left home to run the business and tend the animals.  Speaking of animals....only two more days of the Pannier's dogs.....nice dogs but dogs are work.....and I am through with trying to take care of someone or something....I can barely keep myself moving now days....arthritis is taking over. Two weeks can seem like a long time of shoveling doggie doo!
Well...Dr Phil time.....

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