Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Finally some pictures of the July wedding of Richie and Anna.....It was held in an old barn in the middle of a pasture with goats......open air and room to spread out so no viris laws were broken.  Alot of relatives and a great dinner followed the ceremony.  My family supported them....all but Brayden and Libby....Bray had to work that day...It was fun to watch Annie's two little girls all dressed up...For a great honey moon they were off to Taheiti, Moorea and Bora Bora.....great choice.


Alex....Darren....Brayden.....Ken Christenson
They spent a week on the river in Idaho....with other cousins, uncles etc.  These I boys are such great people that love life and family.   Darren and Sherrie can be very proud of their boys.
Mother Teresa says....
You will teach them to fly...but they will not fly 
your flight.......
You will teach them to dream.....But they will not dream you dream.
You will teach them to live....but they will not live your life.....
Never the less...in every flight ......in every life, in every dream....the print of the way you taught them will remain.....
To raise children you can be proud of....makes you a success.....if you do nothing else in life.


I hurt every where...seems to be arthritis....worse in my arms and shoulders....tried all the rubs on the market....tylanol.....heating pad.....I look fine so how do I explain it? BUT the dreaded day every year for women ....is the Mamogram day.......You pray you get a thumbs up on the tests.....one year ago...I didn't and had a lumpectomy.....can't spell it. BUT had to also get a ultrasound to further check what we found out was a bag of water in my breast......Thank you God....no cancer.  Yesterday Sherrie had her mamogram....which led to  a biospy.....which we have our fingers crossed while waiting for the outcome of something in her breast....please no cancer......

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Just when you need a nice quiet lunch in Murray Park with a good friend.....it turns into an adventure!
Shirley and I stopped a Chick Fil-A and got lunch to enjoy in the park....set up our chairs and pulled out lunch.  we chatted a bit and watched a police car pull up and park across the street.  Soon an other police car pulls up and this little chick hops out with lunch and they disappear to some shade across from us....We thought ah ha.....one of them already married and they are sneaking around...WHEN another police  car with a single blond lady in it drives by????? Plot thickens..... she circled a couple of times and and parked behind us some where.....in a  while the couple emerge ...hugged and drove off with the third police car following them....Shirley and I tried to each tried to create a story from what we had witnessed .....while we ate lunch....guess we will never really know the whole story!
Two hours latter we loaded up...... got a block.....and she is out of gas!!!! This is where you realize there still are some good people in the world.....a nice man offered to go get some gas for us.....and before he could get back a lawn mowing guy stopped to help and had enough gas in a can to get us off the main road.....he would not take any money.....soon the other man came back with a gallon of gas and he would not take any money......by then we are melting in the 102 degrees ....but we made it to a filling station and home.....so much for a nice quiet lunch in the park!
I needed to tell you all about my exciting day.....and not keep it "bottled up"....


63 Years ago today I became a MOTHER.....so happy to get a little girl to dress up fun and grow up to be a best friend.....and she grew up and had a cute daughter.....Nicci.....who grew up and had a darling little boy ...Tucker.  Such a lucky person I am to have these people in my life....I hope you have a fun birthday with friends ......and enjoy our 102 degrees.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Happy Birthday to Brayden.....and Mom.....
My fourth grandson was born on his great-grandmother's birthday.... know she sent him to us and he is so good to me.....he is a big 25 years old.....I have loved every minute  we have had him in our family....and have so many memories of this cute little boy turning into a handsome ....kind and godly man.....with a cute wife Libby.  They live in my basement while she finishes school....he works at Park City......he is spending this birthday on a river in Idaho with his family.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mom....I love you more every day...you were the best of the best,  You would be 108 years old......

Saturday, August 15, 2020


Kids gone for the weekend....Libby deer hunting in Vernal and Bray down the river in Idaho with family.....I still have Pannier's two dogs....and we all sleep a lot.......Boredom....I guess,  Cleaned up the doggie doo.....and got them packed.....the Pannier's will be home tomorrow to pick them up....two weeks is quite a long time for visitors.....at least I had the dogs to talk to.....instead of the toaster and microwave......
Called Bev Crockston and Bev Taft.....old bridge players.....Bev T is really losing her memory and Bev C.....who is over 100 fell and broke her neck.....keep my fingers crossed I don't fall.  Said Tobby Taft has Leukemia.....I am thankful the only thing bad in my life the last 6 months is I am grey headed and five months older......
I see an "Open House' sign on the house across the street...Didn't even know they planned to move???
Guess two houses in the unit went for over....$400.000.00......Makes my house in a good area.
I say..."No mail in voting!!!!!"

Happy Birthday Andrea...

Happy Birthday Annie... A big 25 years old and a mommie to two little girls.....at twenty five I had your aunt Pam.....then life gets busy......All I remember is your mother and her twin Sherrie were in the hospital at the same time and Karrie had you one day and the next day Sherrie had Brayden.....on my mother's birthday.....we could never imagine what we would be doing 25 years later....Happy Birthday.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Kinda interesting.....Finally someone to make Pam smile.....in all her growing up years.....pam hated to have her picture taken.....and when it happened it was always a sullen look.....BUT....this little guy has her all smiles.  This is TUCKER. one year old and Pam's second grandchild....and his great-gram thinks he is pretty cute also.
Another weekend closing in....Sherrie came by and brought lunch and flowers.....had to sign some papers or something and then another 3 hours back to Vernal.  Libby rode back with her to go bow hunting with her dad this weekend....for deer.  Not wishing anyone any bad luck....but if they get one hope her family keeps it.....I was raised on deer and elk .....so don't care much for it. The Christensons and all the uncles and cousins are leaving in the morning for a river trip in Idaho for a week....so Sherrie is left home to run the business and tend the animals.  Speaking of animals....only two more days of the Pannier's dogs.....nice dogs but dogs are work.....and I am through with trying to take care of someone or something....I can barely keep myself moving now days....arthritis is taking over. Two weeks can seem like a long time of shoveling doggie doo!
Well...Dr Phil time.....

Monday, August 10, 2020


Kinda interesting.....Finally someone to make Pam smile.....in all her growing up years.....pam hated to have her picture taken.....and when it happened it was always a sullen look.....BUT....this little guy has her all smiles.  This is TUCKER. one year old and Pam's second grandchild....and his great-gram thinks he is pretty cute also.
Another weekend closing in....Sherrie came by and brought lunch and flowers.....had to sign some papers or something and then another 3 hours back to Vernal.  Libby rode back with her to go bow hunting with her dad this weekend....for deer.  Not wishing anyone any bad luck....but if they get one hope her family keeps it.....I was raised on deer and elk .....so don't care much for it. The Christensons and all the uncles and cousins are leaving in the morning for a river trip in Idaho for a week....so Sherrie is left home to run the business and tend the animals.  Speaking of animals....only two more days of the Pannier's dogs.....nice dogs but dogs are work.....and I am through with trying to take care of someone or something....I can barely keep myself moving now days....arthritis is taking over. Two weeks can seem like a long time of shoveling doggie doo!
Well...Dr Phil time.....


Love this picture.....celebrating their second anniversary in their trailer....Alex and Ashlyn.....pretty good for a starter.....the fire looks very inviting.......I always wanted a trailer.....had a tent and a camper in my other life.....but no trailer......Got a tour of Pannier's new trailer and there will many memories made with it and the grandkids......in Alex's case .....it will be with their own kids.......pack up the dogs and get away from all this viris and messy Biden stuff.....and hot weather.

Saturday, August 8, 2020


I don't care how wicked the world gets.....and day by day it is falling apart...we have the beauty God gives us every day of sun-rises and sun sets....which lets us know he is still with us.....
The dumbest thing I ever did was purchase a 2020 planner.......
Until further notice the days of the week are now called....THIS day....THAT day.....OTHER day....SOME day....YESTERDAY.....TODAY.....and NEXT DAY......I try to mark my days of week by Lawn mowing day and Garbage day.....with no visiting....church...schools....sports etc....what does it matter what day it is.....I thought about putting SHOWER DAY in there.....but that adds too much stress to my schedule????
Biden is suppose to tell us which Mexican or black lady he is picking to be his running mate????Can you believe where our world will end up if Biden wins????? I guess as long as I have God and my family and neighbors in my life.....my latter days are up to me....


My sister calls and asks ...."what are you doing?".....usual answer is ...."Nothing"....she says...." you were doing nothing yesterday"....I know I didn't finish it....so working on it today....You know how the more you do something ....the more it becomes a habit....well, I am afraid doing nothing is becoming a habit....a bad habit.....for me.  This week I don't have to talk to the toaster or dish washer....I have Pam's two dogs......Rob brought Henry Ford over today for a week while he goes to Phoenix for Amazon.....I have had Bree for a week while Pam is in Seattle....so I at least have company.....the kids are in Lake Powell this weekend.   yes, I am becoming more happy at home more and more.....I watch the world crumble before my eyes on TV.
Rob set up Zoom today and we watched Tucker eat his one year old birthday cake.....I dreaded the day you could see who you were talking to becoming a reality....now I have to worry how I look on the phone or computer....make up....ear rings....hair do etc.  Bra....forget it!!!!
Patty came by.....shared a coke and tried to settle the problems of the world...but don't think anyone was listening to all our brilliant ideas......Still not doing church...or much of anything on Sunday so again tomorrow.....it's let the dogs in .....let the dogs out....etc.

Thursday, August 6, 2020


A note for my girls.....
After all the hateful words and hurt that Toni has caused between Don and his girls.....where she told Sherrie they were fine and to leave them alone they did not need anything from them...she took Don's phone away and told her if she wanted anything call her.....sherrie only wanted to wish him Happy Father's DAY  and Happy BIRTHDAY.....The girls blocked their phones and gave up on trying to communicate with their father...THEN out of the blue they all get a note from him....SURPRISE.....we have survived and are doing fine.....What is that???? A gloat to say haha we don't need you?  I am sure Toni is behind it all......They decided to ignor it......I am so sorry I have put the girls through all this when all they tried to do was be good daughters and respect their father which is more than he did for them.......He choose his path and dumped all of us for THE KMART LADY....so he deserves all he gets I guess.....WHAT GOES ROUND.....COMES ROUND.  I am still so sorry I choose  a father like this for these wonderful children. 


Can't say we have not been warned......Every word has come true some where around the world.......If only you would realize who is really in charge of our world.....This pandemic is only one of many we have lived through......in our life times....It was infantile paralazes when I was growing up....and many kinds of flue have hit us through the past 88 years of my life.......we have survived and eventually a vacination has helped us through.
My roommates are gone for the weekend to Lake Powell till Monday.....11 people from NYC....Libby's mission companion's family who are Malaysia are anxious to get on the Christenson's boat for a week.....Libby went yesterday with Sherrie and Brayden drove down today after work.....This morning I found a sweet note from my Bray.....thanking me for all I do for them and to have a good weekend...... ending.....you mean the world to me...... I cried when I read it.....when was the last time someone told you ....you meant the world to them!  So lucky to have people in my life like Brayden......
One of my farorite neighbors had a shoulder operation Monday.....took a little gift down to her and she seemed doing good.....will take dinner in tomorrow.....I have the best of the best of neighbors. I have so many blessings in my life.....so what....... another long and quiet weekend......I have Pam's dog for two weeks....so it's me and Bree this weekend.


Here is my Scotty and his missionary companion......Scott is holed up for six weeks in the basement doing his MTC work....then off to Colorado.   I don't think the missionary companion will be leaving with him....but hey...company is company now days......tell me how much fun would it be to get up early to study scriptures ....put on a white shirt, tie and badge and sit in the basement all day studying language......for the first six weeks of your mission?  These are dedicated young people......and I am proud of Scott.  Some day you will read this and think....REALLY?


This is my great-grandson TUCKER TRAVINGER....turning one year old the 5th.  He lives in Seattle so do not get to give him a big hug.....but love this picture.....Grandma Pam is spending a few days in Seattle to enjoy the big occasion.....Nicci and Bill  should have a dozen kids when they turn out so cute!.....This makes four great-grandkids for me.....I feel very lucky to have lived long enough to enjoy this generation of my family.

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Another sunny Sunday.......Another month...