Saturday, August 24, 2019


I have no regrets about the GOOD OLD DAYS!
NO.....I wasn't perfect....but I sure had a good time....I had a Best Friend.....a lot of boy friends, loved to dance, had wonderful and understanding parents and great siblings.  I had a plan for my be a in college I majored in BOYS and minored in dance..... as I waited to turn 21....the age to become a Stewaredess.....My greatest accomplishment......  I have had...... is my three beautiful daughters who never got into trouble with drugs, sex etc........they finished school, and collage and married nice boys and are great mothers and have given me 9 wonderful grandchildren.....who are normal hardworking normal drugs....problems with the law and all pretty normal.
NOW.... with cancer hanging over my head there is no waiting for happiness,  happiness can happen right now for all of us......The secret: looking at each day in a whole new way....not as your last...but as an abundance of small miracles.  When you say YES to life's blessings brings you even more.
Yes, I guess 87 1/ kinda old?

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