Thursday, August 15, 2019


As you can see from my last blog......there is nothing us "old" folks can not handle..... a dead battery after you learn to "open the hood" take your handy little battery charger and start looking for a new battery.....and have a guy in you dental office give you nice prayer over the phone for your upcoming biopsy???? You have to be ready for everything...and HANDLE IT!
As I grow older I realize that a $300.00 dollar watch and a $30.00 dollar watch both tell the same time.......
That my Kate Spade purse and a Forever 21 wallet hold the same amount of money.....
That a $350.000.00 house and a $150.000.00 house ....hosts the same loneliness....
That my 16 year old Camray will drive me as far as your Mercedes.......True happiness is not found in materialistic comes from love and laughter found in each other....stay humble......the holes dug for us in the ground are all the SAME SIZE!!!!.
I grew up with the idea.....USE IT UP......WEAR IT OUT.......MAKE IT DO.....OR DO WITHOUT!  I HOPE MY KIDS HAVE LEARNED THAT TOO......
Under stand DON fell down his stairs and broke some vertibres in his from Pam when she picked up her dog I had tended a week while she went to help Nicci and the new baby.....
Dominos fell though Shirley came over and we ate what I had fixed and had a really good lunch date here.....She is a great friend.......

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