Saturday, August 24, 2019


Well .....the actual day of "NO MATTER WHAT HAS COME".....After two days of mamograms, a day of biopsys and then two days of waiting for the  news....good or bad...... the big day of what they found in the biopsy came............ALL three daughters...YEA.....came with me to face the facts....the news was not what I wanted to hear but "IT IS WHAT IT IS"......I have breast cancer.  Was I surprised?  Probably not, as my grandma Goff, my mother, my sister Jo and just a few months ago my daughter  Karrie has gone through it....just surprised me it waited so long.  It has been so wonderful to have so much love and support from my family, friends and neighbors.......The doctors, and nurses have all been great at St. surgery is the 5th of September and I am still praying it will just be a lumpectomy....or what ever.....then a pill.  It is an in and out procedure and Ken will be with me for 5 days after..... as Sher will be on a cruise to Alaska......Ken and a couple of dogs are staying with me while the family is gone.....
It was so nice having Sher come and she brought her NACHOS machine as she knew I would need some COMFORT FOOD.....And all my neighbors love it!!  She took me to talk to the surgen as Kar and Pam were busy.....Good children are the greatest blessing you can have and each of them will experience that sometime in their lives......The big plus in all this was Karrie cared enough to come and support me and she was such a help with what questions to ask and what to expect..... Am I nervous about what is ahead.......well yes.

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