Monday, August 19, 2019


They say one picture is worth a thousand words.......and I think this picture should be able to help you figure out better than anyone can try and explain to you.....what RACISM is!!  Yes.....people come in all kinds of colors.......BUT.....they all have the same heart and all have red blood.......What is wrong with people?  GOD made us all the same.....but different and that is OK.
I have been doing my Spring house cleaning .......all summer.  Between my kids and my sweet sister and niece who cleaned my cupboards,....refridgerator.....freezer and pantry....I decided to tackle my walk in closet.  The Japanese method of decluttering sounded like a good idea to me.....You take and hold every object that you own, and if  it doesn't bring you throw it away?......So far, I've thrown out all the vegtables, my bra, the electric bill, the scales, a mirror and my treadmill.... Maybe.......I will save the rest of the house till next Spring.....

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