Monday, August 19, 2019


I think my kids and grandkids......already know what a crazy grandmother they have!
through the years.....we have a lot of fun together.
Birthday week started the 15th with Andrea.....who told Sherrie she no longer has a grandma....she is mad along with her mother.......Next day Brayden turns 24 on his great grand-mothers birthday...Happy birthday Mom....who would be 107.........Bray's wife was busy with a seminar so he and I went  to dinner and watched a movie.....what a fun that kid!
Yesterday.....the 18th was Pam's big 62 birthday.  She ran up to their cabin to fish and enjoy her birthday and today the 19th....... is Karrie's husband...... Richard Cook.     Then we have to remember we have another birthday to add to our August ones......Tucker on the 5th.
April and August are busy and fun birthday months for us.

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