Friday, June 24, 2016


Don't know how I have been so lucky to have been put in the "cottages" ......with such wonderful people all around me!
With two of my girls so busy with their families and lives and one treating me like I am already dead.....don't see much of my family.....but I have good neighbors who care.  The door bell rang this morning and there was a neighbor needing my garbage can in the garage to put all the weeds in he had dug out of and edged my flower beds......I could have cried!  My X husband never even weeded in our 30 years of marriage.......Which brings me to this story that really touched me......
            "Some years ago, I was stuck on a crosstown bus  in NYC during rush hour.  Traffic was barely moving and the bus was filled with tired cold people deeply irritated -----with one another.  But as the bus approached 7th Ave, the driver got on the intercom......"Folks, he said I know you have had a rough day and your tired but I can't do anything about the weather or the traffic, but here is what I can do.......As each of you gets off the bus, I will reach out my hand to you.  as you walk by, drop your troubles into the palm of my hand.....okay?.  Don't take your problems home to your families tonight-just leave them with me......My route goes right by the Hudson river and when I drive by there later, I'll open the window and throw your troubles in the water.....Sound good?"
            It was as if a spell had lifted......everyone burst out laughing.....At the next stop......just as he had promised he put out his hand.....palm up and waited......One by one all the exiting commuters placed their hand just above his and mimed the gesture of dropping something into his palm.
           We live in a hard world......Some times you have a bad day.....sometimes that bad day lasts for a very long time.....You long for a light but you don't know where to find it......But what if you are the light.......that's what the bus driver taught them that day......That guy wasn't some big power player, he wasn't a spiritual leader, he wasn't some media-savvy influencer......he was a bus driver-----one of society's invisible workers, but he possessed real power, and he used it beautifully.\
           Ask yourself....."WHAT CAN I DO....... RIGHT NOW TO BE SOME BODIE'S LIGHT?"

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