Monday, June 20, 2016


Don't you get tired of hearing about the GOLDEN YEARS?
As I watch my friends come down with Bell's Paulsey, broken bones, crippling arthritis, buying hearing aids......they don't turn glasses and letting their hair go white.......and as I struggle out of bed each morning hurting everywhere and feeling dizzy......I have to ask myself......"Are we having fun yet?"
Most my friends are in their late 70s and early 80s.....we have lived quite long lives......I guess we should be focusing on the quality of life.....not just the quantity.  I know there are many things that improve our quality of life.....we all still drive, have nice families and good friends.  Many need to work on our attitude, we need to wake up every morning and choose to be happy. .....Like the glass is half full, not half empty.......Look at what you can still do.....not what you can't! I checked out the "FUNCTIONAL INVENTORY".... for the a magazine.......I am not still mowing my grass....I am not removing snow.....I have a great neighbor who does it for me......Yes I take out the trash each week....I pay my bills and manage my own finances.....I AM STILL DRIVING.......I take a few meds......I can use a telephone......well kinda, I am still trying to figure out the new smart phone.....Does sticking a tv dinner in the microwave count for preparing my own meals?.......I do my own laundry and housework.....well I am capable of it but ignore it as long as I can.....SHOPPING......I am the worlds best and it is my retail long as they have baskets in the store you can push and lean on.....I won't comment on the last one of walking outside, upstairs or room-to-room....I manage.  I feel I am hanging in there on that list.
As we face our own mortality.....we can't help but ask what happens after we die.  No matter what our organized religion is, or whether we have one or not, we face this question.  Making peace with this can be comforting, and it can contribute to making our golden years golden.
Who came up with the word 'GOLDEN' they weren't over 20.

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