Thursday, June 30, 2016


Had a great two days with my Vernal family.......then Pam brought me a treat and we had a good visit.....really feel spoiled this week.  Sherrie brought Ken and Brayden in and they helped me get Ken's room ready for his Mission Stay with me.  We moved furniture and put two twin beds together, and made a cute and comfortable place for Ken.  The next day Brayden and his friend Gabby were off to Ghana Africa for a two week service mission at an neat to see adventurous young people off willing to help the less fortunate  ....../and what a learning experience for both those cute young people.  They made it to Amsterdam safely and should arrive this afternoon in Ghana,  it was one of my favorite places in africa.
More family news.......... Nicci and Bill are driving out to Utah for the Fourth of July......but going straight to Idaho so I won't get to see them......I am glad the Pannier family can all be together and I know they will have a great time.....Tiff's family and Will will also go up......a real family 6 dogs!

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