Tuesday, June 7, 2016


For some reason......I just don't care about much any more!!!!  I am finding my friends really cheer me up and are the people I see the most......Tomorrow is bridge and the next day Dominos.....both a great blessing in my life.  Spent last weekend  in bed with VERTIGO......every time I got up or bent down things just kept spinning......Hate it and do get it now and then.   Pam and Tiff came by for a visit with my cute great-grandson......getting so big .......and busy!  Monday was nail day and today I was off to the five dollar movie with Pam.....Rob is fishing in Idaho for the week.  Sher keeps me anchored everyday with the out of town news.......
Leslie and family off to Missouri for a family reunion.......Lucille said Gene was not doing good....Patty's sister is in the hospital again and Jay fell down their stairs and is in the hospital......Shirley broke her toe on top of her Bell's Palsy.....Some days there just isn't any good news at our age.......
My cute Lindsay is coming in from Vernal to stay all night with me......she has some kind of class here in town tomorrow for her work......it has been 80 and 90 all week and I am lovin' it!
I love my computer but for some reason the month of May and so far in June I can't seem to get interested in blogging......do hope to try harder.

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