Wednesday, June 22, 2016


As I have traveled around the world I have always been fascinated with the many doors that have been opened to me......or Not.  Do doors keep you in......or do they keep you out?   This has always been a question in my mind. Doors are symbolic of choices.....opportunities that invite us to enter a new world......and the door you're drawn to shed light on where you are going and the possibilities that lie just ahead.......for instance......
Choosing an exotic or ornate door shows your intellectual and artistic curiosity drive you to embrace new experiences and help open doors for you both literally and figuratively whether you are exploring the hidden gems of a city you are visiting for the first time or walking through the door of a cute new boutique your inspired by beauty and have worldly, sophisticated tastes......  or
A doorway leading away from the structure of our manmade world and toward the wild beauty of nature reflects your contemplative and spiritual are seeking the solitude you thrive on and that sparks the original ideas you are known for......or
If you chose a decked-out festive door, you likely have an especially fun season of social gatherings ahead of you.....warm and empathetic you light up around friends and loved ones and are the life of the party.......or
If you chose a door opening to the light you are ready to put a challenge behind you and enter a new phase of your life with energy and optimism. .......Smart and determined, with a healthy perspective on the ups and downs of life       you know that when one door closes  another opens and often the path it leads to is sunnier and sweeter than anticipated. 
Which door do you choose?  Which kind of door appeals to you?  I have entered many doors around the world and had many interesting, fun, or scary experiences.....but from each and everyone I feel I have learned something and will always be fascinated by door I guess......and I am eager to press on to open the next door that comes along.

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