Thursday, February 16, 2012


Two more days and I will be off to the sun and the fun......Taking my three daughters on a cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday (spending their inheritance).  No one is complaining so I guess it is o.k. We are off to New Orleans, which is celebrating Mardi Gras it will be fun to pick up  some of those nifty beads????  I get to add two more countries to my list of over 100 countries that I have visited in my many travels.  Getting to the other side of 70 kinda opens your eyes about how you lived your life......I find gratitude and humility are the gifts of my age.  Now that I can no longer burn off calories dancing I apologize to my hips for heedlessly stuffing myself full of sweet deserts.  Now that I go out wearing whatever I  want I apologize to my kids for asking, "are you going out in that?"  Now that my knees are stiff with arthritis, I apologize  to everyone I complained about for moving too slowly.  Now I know where trash ends up, I'd like to apologize for all the stuff I didn't need---and tossed.  Now I truly understand how little time we have in this world, I would like to apologize for every moment of impatience at how much time things---and people---seemed to need.  I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. I am getting a better attitude for gratitude in my life.

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