Friday, February 3, 2012


Who is my hero in life?  Don Quixote.....So he goes around fighting windmills, do you know how many windmills I fight every day?  Don't you fight a few windmills in your daily rounds?  Who and what exactlyy is Don Quixote?  He is  a hero of the 17th century novel by Miguel de Cerrientes.  Quixote is a dreamer and a gentle buffon, an aging gentleman who sets out from his village of La Mancha to perform acts of chivalry in the name of Dulcena---He rides a decrept horse, Rocinante and is accompanied by his "squire", the peasant Sancho Panza.  Quixote's imagination often gets the better of him: in one famous incident he tilts at windmills---imaging them to be giants.  Throughout his many adventures Quixote often seems ridiculous, yet he maintains his staunchy hopeful attitude and belief in chivalry.  The song of "The Impossible Dream" sums up the story
When Quixote decides to go out as Knight-errant in search of adventure he dons an old suit of armour, renames himself "Don Quixote de la Mancha" and names his skinny horse "Rochinante".  He designates a neighborhood farm girl, ALdonza Lorenzo, as his lady love, renaming her Dulcina del Toboso while she knows nothing aout this......  I love this story and this wonderful man!  I have his statues everywhere and don't get discouraged with a few battles  with windmills.  Sherrie dropped by a few minutes which made my day.

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