Monday, February 13, 2012


Why are the papers and magazines full of articles about getting old and old people?  Also half of my emails are about old age......and I can relate to all of them????  I keep telling myself age is just a number as I approach that big 80.......They tell me life is like a hot bath.....the longer you stay in it, the more wrinkled you get!  Also, even doctors make mistakes.....mine ask me to undress, and how An old persons idea of the SUPER BOWL is a toilet that cleans itself.......I read Senior Citizens are the nations leading carriers of aids!  I was going to deni it until I read on:
Hearing aids......rollaids......walking aids.....medical aids.....government aids.....and monetary aid to their kids.....not to mention Hiv.  Yet is is better than the alternative.  I thank God every day for every day.
Whitney Houston was found dead in her bathtub day before yesterday.  Such a wonderful talent.  Talked to Sherrie today and she and Alex are getting better every day.  Counting down till the girls and I head off to our cruise on Saturday.

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