Friday, February 10, 2012


Well, played nursemaid for two days to Sherrie and Alex.......I'm thinking if my nose gets broken I will just live with it.  They really looked miserable and on top of it Alex had his tonsils he couldn't breath or swallow without hurting.  I called and they are feeling a little better today.  There isn't much more they can do on him before his mission.   "Your Source of Power must connect up with the source of Life....."Jesus".  I like the following metaphore:  The Arabs  tried to disconnect the faucet from the wall in the bathroom saying, "We have discovered the power of life if we take this faucet back to our tents in the desert we can have water."  They thought they had discovered the source of nature or....."the power of life."  It had to be explained to them behind the wall....hooked to the faucet was a pipe (they could not see), it went down the hotel wall to the ground and was hooked to a bigger-pipe which ran under the city and connected with a bigger pipe which ran to the top of the hill to the resevoir that contained the water......."Without the Source, there is no power.".....something to think about!  Well a week from tomorrow we leave on our cruise, guess I better get busy packing.

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