Friday, February 17, 2012


Well tomorrow we head off to vacation for a week.  I saw the weather report and it said rain and 71 degrees in New Orleans for tomorrow.....oh well, that seems to be something you just plan on, so taking an umbrella.  "whether you kneel in church or even just take a mindful walk outdoors, praying brings much more than comfort and hope---it can actually heal your body and mind." Lori erickson
When I reflect on the impact of prayer, I don 't think of a church service, I reflect on the many times my prayers have been answered.  Women's reasons for praying are as diverse as our individul circumstances.  We pray when we are grateful, when we need to do a better job, when our kids won't stop fighting (this seems to go on no matter their age).....when someone we love is hurting.  I pitty the woman that tries to raise a family without the help of prayer!  Though people have been praying since the days when we lived in caves, it is only recently that scientists have tried to unravel the effect prayer has on our lives.  Just as physical exercise builds our muscles, spiritual practice seems to rewire our brains to make us more resilient in the face of both physical and mental difficulties.  So I pray we will have a safe trip, that we all tolerate what we don't like in each other, that our ship captain doesn't take any detours, that the little families we leave behind for a week will stay safe......and miss us a little!   Bon Voyage

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