Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Staying connected to your past can make you happier here and now.  I have come to realize that staying connected to people from my past is an important happiness booster--and I've also realized that I do a fairly bad job of it.  In each stage of life , I've had great friends and great experiences, but when I've moved on to the next stage, I've found it difficult to stay connected to those people.  All those wonderful school friends I grew up with, then the great friends and roommates from my college days.  Then the fun friends from the days I was a stewardess, or newly married. I worked as Conceierge at Double Tree Hotel for five years.......where are all those neat people I knew then?  For some reason the names are there, but the friends are not.  I have a few from my other life (Married 30 years) but half of them stayed loyal to him.  I do cherish the ones I still see.  Yesterday Patty and I had a long and exhausting talk about where we are in life and what we need.  Most of my friends don't
know or care how I really feel......Patty does.  Yes if you have four or five real friends that are there for you, you are really a lucky person.  Had my tires rotated today, picked up a couple of things for the cruise, did the laundry, watered the flowers and cleaned the fish bowl.......Two more days and we head off to the sun!

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