Thursday, February 2, 2012


Mertle says:  If your rainbow is black and white-----you need help!
I am happy to be home and back in my old routine. It tried to snow today, but as ususal nothing serious happened.  The groundhog saw his shadow so  six more weeks of winter. Leslie called and Tim is very sick with cancer.  Also talked to a dear friend and found out her husband died while I was out of town and was buried,  George and Susan are old friends from my Airline days.  I found these Pearls of Wisdome that make you think: 
#1.  The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them.
#2.  Making a living is not the same thing as making a life.  To bad you can't do them both at the same time.
#3.  Every exit is an entrance to some place else......I am trying to figure out how this could not be?
#4. Your self-worth is more important than your net me your self-worth is your net worth.
#5.  You can't smooth out the surf, but you can learn to ride the waves.
#6.  Look at life through the windshield, not the rear view mirror.......I am working on this one.
#7.  Don't try to change the wind, change the sails.
These all make a point and make you think, which some days isn't easy.  My Avon lady, Kiska stayed two and a half hours tonight....groan.

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