Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Yea, I'm home and back to my own little bed again.  Three cruises in six months has about done me in.  We lucked out with good weather for the most part.  We did end up in our hotel room the first night watching the Mardi Gras parade because of the wind and pouring rain.  I did not like the NCL ship and would not recommend it to anyone.  The balcony room saved us.....and shopping in Beliez proved fun.  I did add another country to my list of places visited, weather did not permit us to land in Honduros which was very disappointing.  Today I am working on the laundry and getting back into the old routine.  Tiffany is having her knee operated on today, so wish her luck.  Nice to be home!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Well tomorrow we head off to vacation for a week.  I saw the weather report and it said rain and 71 degrees in New Orleans for tomorrow.....oh well, that seems to be something you just plan on, so taking an umbrella.  "whether you kneel in church or even just take a mindful walk outdoors, praying brings much more than comfort and hope---it can actually heal your body and mind." Lori erickson
When I reflect on the impact of prayer, I don 't think of a church service, I reflect on the many times my prayers have been answered.  Women's reasons for praying are as diverse as our individul circumstances.  We pray when we are grateful, when we need to do a better job, when our kids won't stop fighting (this seems to go on no matter their age).....when someone we love is hurting.  I pitty the woman that tries to raise a family without the help of prayer!  Though people have been praying since the days when we lived in caves, it is only recently that scientists have tried to unravel the effect prayer has on our lives.  Just as physical exercise builds our muscles, spiritual practice seems to rewire our brains to make us more resilient in the face of both physical and mental difficulties.  So I pray we will have a safe trip, that we all tolerate what we don't like in each other, that our ship captain doesn't take any detours, that the little families we leave behind for a week will stay safe......and miss us a little!   Bon Voyage

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Two more days and I will be off to the sun and the fun......Taking my three daughters on a cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday (spending their inheritance).  No one is complaining so I guess it is o.k. We are off to New Orleans, which is celebrating Mardi Gras it will be fun to pick up  some of those nifty beads????  I get to add two more countries to my list of over 100 countries that I have visited in my many travels.  Getting to the other side of 70 kinda opens your eyes about how you lived your life......I find gratitude and humility are the gifts of my age.  Now that I can no longer burn off calories dancing I apologize to my hips for heedlessly stuffing myself full of sweet deserts.  Now that I go out wearing whatever I  want I apologize to my kids for asking, "are you going out in that?"  Now that my knees are stiff with arthritis, I apologize  to everyone I complained about for moving too slowly.  Now I know where trash ends up, I'd like to apologize for all the stuff I didn't need---and tossed.  Now I truly understand how little time we have in this world, I would like to apologize for every moment of impatience at how much time things---and people---seemed to need.  I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point. I am getting a better attitude for gratitude in my life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Staying connected to your past can make you happier here and now.  I have come to realize that staying connected to people from my past is an important happiness booster--and I've also realized that I do a fairly bad job of it.  In each stage of life , I've had great friends and great experiences, but when I've moved on to the next stage, I've found it difficult to stay connected to those people.  All those wonderful school friends I grew up with, then the great friends and roommates from my college days.  Then the fun friends from the days I was a stewardess, or newly married. I worked as Conceierge at Double Tree Hotel for five years.......where are all those neat people I knew then?  For some reason the names are there, but the friends are not.  I have a few from my other life (Married 30 years) but half of them stayed loyal to him.  I do cherish the ones I still see.  Yesterday Patty and I had a long and exhausting talk about where we are in life and what we need.  Most of my friends don't
know or care how I really feel......Patty does.  Yes if you have four or five real friends that are there for you, you are really a lucky person.  Had my tires rotated today, picked up a couple of things for the cruise, did the laundry, watered the flowers and cleaned the fish bowl.......Two more days and we head off to the sun!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day to everyone I love......and even to all those I don"t........why not!  I got two big beautiful bouquets of red roses and cards.  I met one of my best and favorite friends for coffee, this always makes my day.  I got a call from a darling granddaughter in Minneapolis.  I took some cupcakes to some of my favorite neighbors who are rather house-bound and are always so happy for company. Yes, I have received and given love and I guess that is what Valentine's Day is all about.
"Life is a gift to you.  The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after.  Make it a fantastic one."  Live it well.  Been packing and doing chores......three more days till we fly off for the cruise.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Why are the papers and magazines full of articles about getting old and old people?  Also half of my emails are about old age......and I can relate to all of them????  I keep telling myself age is just a number as I approach that big 80.......They tell me life is like a hot bath.....the longer you stay in it, the more wrinkled you get!  Also, even doctors make mistakes.....mine ask me to undress, and how An old persons idea of the SUPER BOWL is a toilet that cleans itself.......I read Senior Citizens are the nations leading carriers of aids!  I was going to deni it until I read on:
Hearing aids......band aids......rollaids......walking aids.....medical aids.....government aids.....and monetary aid to their kids.....not to mention Hiv.  Yet is is better than the alternative.  I thank God every day for every day.
Whitney Houston was found dead in her bathtub day before yesterday.  Such a wonderful talent.  Talked to Sherrie today and she and Alex are getting better every day.  Counting down till the girls and I head off to our cruise on Saturday.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Well, played nursemaid for two days to Sherrie and Alex.......I'm thinking if my nose gets broken I will just live with it.  They really looked miserable and on top of it Alex had his tonsils out......so he couldn't breath or swallow without hurting.  I called and they are feeling a little better today.  There isn't much more they can do on him before his mission.   "Your Source of Power must connect up with the source of Life....."Jesus".  I like the following metaphore:  The Arabs  tried to disconnect the faucet from the wall in the bathroom saying, "We have discovered the power of life if we take this faucet back to our tents in the desert we can have water."  They thought they had discovered the source of nature or....."the power of life."  It had to be explained to them behind the wall....hooked to the faucet was a pipe (they could not see), it went down the hotel wall to the ground and was hooked to a bigger-pipe which ran under the city and connected with a bigger pipe which ran to the top of the hill to the resevoir that contained the water......."Without the Source, there is no power.".....something to think about!  Well a week from tomorrow we leave on our cruise, guess I better get busy packing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BUSY WEEK........

Can't believe it is Wednesday already.....time is really flying!  Sewed strapes on Annie's dress for the upcoming dance.....she is glad her grandmother can sew.  Also recorded a couple of books for Karrie.  Talked to my dear friend Ann Moseley today and she is not doing very well.  Having small strokes, causing her to have a hard time remembering words.  She is in a nursing home and will soon move to assisted living quarters.  Sherrie, Darren and Alex are coming in tonight as Alex is having his tonsils out early in the morning, also he and Sherrie are having their noses fixed tomorrow. Getting ready for an LDS Mission isn't easy......I bought lots of jello, ice cream and yogart for him.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Karrie is my daughter who is constantly fighting windmills.  I don't know where she gets this from.  It couldn't be her mother.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Who is my hero in life?  Don Quixote.....So he goes around fighting windmills, do you know how many windmills I fight every day?  Don't you fight a few windmills in your daily rounds?  Who and what exactlyy is Don Quixote?  He is  a hero of the 17th century novel by Miguel de Cerrientes.  Quixote is a dreamer and a gentle buffon, an aging gentleman who sets out from his village of La Mancha to perform acts of chivalry in the name of Dulcena---He rides a decrept horse, Rocinante and is accompanied by his "squire", the peasant Sancho Panza.  Quixote's imagination often gets the better of him: in one famous incident he tilts at windmills---imaging them to be giants.  Throughout his many adventures Quixote often seems ridiculous, yet he maintains his staunchy hopeful attitude and belief in chivalry.  The song of "The Impossible Dream" sums up the story

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Mertle says:  If your rainbow is black and white-----you need help!
I am happy to be home and back in my old routine. It tried to snow today, but as ususal nothing serious happened.  The groundhog saw his shadow so  six more weeks of winter. Leslie called and Tim is very sick with cancer.  Also talked to a dear friend and found out her husband died while I was out of town and was buried,  George and Susan are old friends from my Airline days.  I found these Pearls of Wisdome that make you think: 
#1.  The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them.
#2.  Making a living is not the same thing as making a life.  To bad you can't do them both at the same time.
#3.  Every exit is an entrance to some place else......I am trying to figure out how this could not be?
#4. Your self-worth is more important than your net worth.......to me your self-worth is your net worth.
#5.  You can't smooth out the surf, but you can learn to ride the waves.
#6.  Look at life through the windshield, not the rear view mirror.......I am working on this one.
#7.  Don't try to change the wind, change the sails.
These all make a point and make you think, which some days isn't easy.  My Avon lady, Kiska stayed two and a half hours tonight....groan.